Telling Authentic Stories to Achieve Your Goals


Presenting Your Authentic Self

Proven strategies to help you engage with any audience

True Voice Coaching helps clients develop skills to present themselves in an authentic and compelling manner. True Voice has worked with a wide variety of clients ranging from Fortune 500 CEOs to high school students. Our goal is help people put their best selves forward in any setting, whether it's a live media interview, a fundraising pitch, or an interview for an internship or college admissions. 

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media/Interview training

True Voice helps people prepare for interviews with news media, whether it's a live broadcast on national television or a phone interview with a local newspaper. We can help you hone your interview technique to be sure you are getting your messages across clearly and effectively. This can include on-camera practice and post-interview critique to help you consistently improve your interview technique. 

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Presentation Training

True Voice works with clients to help prepare for major speeches at conferences or small meetings with potential donors. We help you use storytelling techniques that get you away from simply reading bullet points to more effectively engage with the audience.

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high school or college students

Effective interviewing doesn't come naturally for most people. It's an acquired skill. True Voice helps students become effective and engaging in interviews, whether it's part of a college admissions process, trying to land a coveted job or internship, or applying to graduate programs. 

“In less than one week Brian helped me take my interview skills and storytelling to new heights, helping me land a dream job.”
— Yaniv B.